Unit 6 Design an Esports Game

Unit: 6

In this unit, you will learn the skills and techniques required to design and produce a games design document. You will gain an understanding of the principles of games design and how to design your very own esports game and character. Video games design is a global industry. Major publishers, indie companies and freelancers create games of all types all around the world. The industry requires people to work in highly skilled and specialised roles to help bring a variety of games to people for a range of purposes and audiences.

This unit will enable you to develop skills that can be applied to developing a games design document for an esports game. You will learn the foundation knowledge on how games are made; this will enable you to grasp the necessary skills to progress directly into the games industry or progress to a higher-level qualification.


For Further Detail to this unit and the Qualification please use the below link to the current Pearson's Specification and Guidance Documentation

Pearson's Specification